Climate Letter #1523

India’s monsoon season has seen well above average rainfall (Reuters).  “The heaviest monsoon rains to lash India in 25 years have killed more than 1,600 people since June…..The monsoon, which typically lasts between June and September, has already delivered 10% more rain than a 50-year average, and is expected to withdraw only after early October, more than a month later than usual…..the total flood prone area in the country has increased in recent decades because of deforestation, degradation of water bodies, and climate change.”

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A new study has used models to describe the consequences of increases in ice-sheet meltwater (The Science Breaker).  Here one of the authors provides a public review of the contents of the study, which has a paywall.  In the North Atlantic the main effect from Greenland’s meltwater, as seen by the study, is that the Gulf Stream is redirected, causing more extreme weather on both sides.  Around Antarctica things are different.  Both the ocean surface and the air above it tend to become cooler, while there is a quite dramatic warming of ocean water below the surface.  “This result is particularly troubling because the Antarctic Ice Sheet is in contact with these regions of the ocean. It suggests a vicious cycle whereby ice sheet melting causes subsurface ocean warming, which causes more ice sheet melting, and so on.”
–Comment:  It is not hard to find evidence in current climate activity that supports these conclusions, particularly in the case of cooling effects that are evident across the Southern Hemisphere.  For some time now both the average air temperature and sea surface temperature for the hemisphere have been registering numbers that are a few tenths below the respective averages that prevailed a few decades ago.  Data can readily be found on the Climate Reanalyzer using this link:  In all of the charts the Northern Hemisphere is clearly responsible for the bulk of average global warming effects that are now regularly recorded.  There has to be a reason for the difference, and the study above offers one that I think will gain considerable support from the science community at large.  Here is an illustrative image from one of the Climate Maps that shows the world’s current anomaly for sea surface temperature compared with its 1971-2000 average:
Lawns are an ecological disaster (Gizmodo-Earther).  This story is hard to believe because many of the numbers are so large, yet it is impossible not to believe the overall message.  Well done!
A core Republican constituency may be starting to “see the light” on climate change (Houston Chronicle).  “The National Association of Evangelicals, which represents 45,000 churches nationwide, first called on Christians four years ago to “exert legitimate means to persuade governments to put moral imperatives about political expediency on issues of environmental destruction and potential climate change”…..Since then, the issue has taken on greater urgency for the faithful— as it has for businesses and other interests traditionally aligned with Republicans — as scientists’ warnings become more dire and storms more powerful, destructive and frequent.”  If this movement can grow it is bound to have an effect in Washington before long.

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